Ganteng Doang Upload Shell Gak Bisa

Linux 3.10.0-1160.119.1.el7.tuxcare.els10.x86_64 #1 SMP Fri Oct 11 21:40:41 UTC 2024 x86_64
/ usr/ bin/



eval 'exec /usr/bin/perl  -S $0 ${1+"$@"}'
    if 0; # not running under some shell

use strict;

my $VERSION = sprintf("1.%06d", q$Revision$ =~ /(\d+)/o);

use Data::Dumper;
use DBI::ProfileData;
use Getopt::Long;

# default options
my $number         = 10;
my $sort           = 'total';
my $filename       = '';
my $reverse        = 0;
my $case_sensitive = 0;
my (%match, %exclude);

# get options from command line
           'version'        => sub { die "dbiprof $VERSION\n" },
           'help'           => sub { exit usage() },
           'number=i'       => \$number,
           'sort=s'         => \$sort,
           'dumpnodes!'     => \my $dumpnodes,
           'reverse'        => \$reverse,
           'match=s'        => \%match,
           'exclude=s'      => \%exclude,
           'case-sensitive' => \$case_sensitive,
           'delete!'        => \my $opt_delete,
) or exit usage();

sub usage {
    print <<EOS;
dbiprof [options] [files]

Reads and merges DBI profile data from files and prints a summary.

files: defaults to $filename


    -number=N        show top N, defaults to $number
    -sort=S          sort by S, defaults to $sort
    -reverse         reverse the sort
    -match=K=V       for filtering, see docs
    -exclude=K=V     for filtering, see docs
    -case_sensitive  for -match and -exclude
    -delete          rename files before reading then delete afterwards
    -version         print version number and exit
    -help            print this help

    return 1;

# list of files defaults to
my @files = @ARGV ? @ARGV : ('');

# instantiate ProfileData object
my $prof = eval {
        Files => \@files,
        DeleteFiles => $opt_delete,
die "Unable to load profile data: $@\n" if $@;

if (%match) { # handle matches
    while (my ($key, $val) = each %match) {
        if ($val =~ m!^/(.+)/$!) {
            $val = $case_sensitive ? qr/$1/ : qr/$1/i;
        $prof->match($key, $val, case_sensitive => $case_sensitive);

if (%exclude) { # handle excludes
    while (my ($key, $val) = each %exclude) {
        if ($val =~ m!^/(.+)/$!) {
            $val = $case_sensitive ? qr/$1/ : qr/$1/i;
        $prof->exclude($key, $val, case_sensitive => $case_sensitive);

# sort the data
$prof->sort(field => $sort, reverse => $reverse);

# all done, print it out
if ($dumpnodes) {
    $Data::Dumper::Indent    = 1;
    $Data::Dumper::Terse     = 1;
    $Data::Dumper::Useqq     = 1;
    $Data::Dumper::Deparse   = 0;
    print Dumper($prof->nodes);
else {
    print $prof->report(number => $number);
exit 0;


=head1 NAME

dbiprof - command-line client for DBI::ProfileData


See a report of the ten queries with the longest total runtime in the
profile dump file F<prof1.out>:

 dbiprof prof1.out

See the top 10 most frequently run queries in the profile file
F<> (the default):

  dbiprof --sort count

See the same report with 15 entries:

  dbiprof --sort count --number 15


This tool is a command-line client for the DBI::ProfileData.  It
allows you to analyze the profile data file produced by
DBI::ProfileDumper and produce various useful reports.

=head1 OPTIONS

This program accepts the following options:

=over 4

=item --number N

Produce this many items in the report.  Defaults to 10.  If set to
"all" then all results are shown.

=item --sort field

Sort results by the given field. Sorting by multiple fields isn't currently
supported (patches welcome).  The available sort fields are:

=over 4

=item total

Sorts by total time run time across all runs.  This is the default

=item longest

Sorts by the longest single run.

=item count

Sorts by total number of runs.

=item first

Sorts by the time taken in the first run.

=item shortest

Sorts by the shortest single run.

=item key1

Sorts by the value of the first element in the Path, which should be numeric.
You can also sort by C<key2> and C<key3>.


=item --reverse

Reverses the selected sort.  For example, to see a report of the
shortest overall time:

  dbiprof --sort total --reverse

=item --match keyN=value

Consider only items where the specified key matches the given value.
Keys are numbered from 1.  For example, let's say you used a
DBI::Profile Path of:

  [ DBIprofile_Statement, DBIprofile_Methodname ]

And called dbiprof as in:

  dbiprof --match key2=execute

Your report would only show execute queries, leaving out prepares,
fetches, etc.

If the value given starts and ends with slashes (C</>) then it will be
treated as a regular expression.  For example, to only include SELECT
queries where key1 is the statement:

  dbiprof --match key1=/^SELECT/

By default the match expression is matched case-insensitively, but
this can be changed with the --case-sensitive option.

=item --exclude keyN=value

Remove items for where the specified key matches the given value.  For
example, to exclude all prepare entries where key2 is the method name:

  dbiprof --exclude key2=prepare

Like C<--match>, If the value given starts and ends with slashes
(C</>) then it will be treated as a regular expression.  For example,
to exclude UPDATE queries where key1 is the statement:

  dbiprof --match key1=/^UPDATE/

By default the exclude expression is matched case-insensitively, but
this can be changed with the --case-sensitive option.

=item --case-sensitive

Using this option causes --match and --exclude to work
case-sensitively.  Defaults to off.

=item --delete

Sets the C<DeleteFiles> option to L<DBI::ProfileData> which causes the
files to be deleted after reading. See L<DBI::ProfileData> for more details.

=item --dumpnodes

Print the list of nodes in the form of a perl data structure.
Use the C<-sort> option if you want the list sorted.

=item --version

Print the dbiprof version number and exit.


=head1 AUTHOR

Sam Tregar <>


Copyright (C) 2002 Sam Tregar

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl 5 itself.

=head1 SEE ALSO

L<DBI::Profile|DBI::Profile>, L<DBI|DBI>.



Thanks For 0xGh05T - DSRF14 - Mr.Dan07 - Leri01 - FxshX7 - AlkaExploiter - xLoveSyndrome'z - Acep Gans'z

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